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Clocking Out is a new comedy musical which follows the modern lifestyles of Daisy (Philippa Crone), Scott (Rhys Davies), Liam (Rhys Collington), Emma (Stephanie Seddon) and Alexa (Katie Keeling). The succinct story deals with the workplace and it’s gossips, perils and dramas.


Hopeless with life, Daisy gets a rude awakening from her alarm clock, followed shortly by a phone call from the ever trustworthy Scott- bringing her to the reality that she is once late for work. When she finally arrives at work she is greeted by her unsurprised colleagues and reprimanded by her controlling boss; Alexa. To relieve the tension from a stressful day, the four colleagues head out for a ‘quiet’ drink, resulting in regrets, hangovers and a one-night stand. Join us as Daisy and Scott find their missing puzzle piece and watch the characters discover what they have been searching for.


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